Thursday, November 04, 2004

Sharp as Marbles

Kerry's Vision Not Clear, Analysts Say

Those analysts - they're pretty quick on the uptake, huh?

BOSTON — Sen. John F. Kerry had nearly all the ingredients to mount a successful challenge to President Bush: a tepid economy, an unpopular war plagued by setbacks, and a fiercely motivated Democratic base.

But, in the end, political analysts and party strategists agree that the Massachusetts senator was missing one key element: a boldly rendered portrayal of himself and his vision for the country.

Maybe not. The problem is that there was a boldly portrayed image of Kerry - and it was watercolor.


Blogger Tom the Redhunter said...

Kerry had the same problem as Gore; he's a rich elitist snob who, when he speaks to audiences, sounds like he's lecturing third graders. Gore's other problem was his class warfare rhetoric. Kerry would say whatever the audience he was speaking to wanted to hear.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Doug said...

Speaking of hide, man, did they salt away Ms. Tomato the last 2 weeks of the campaign or what?If anyone in that campaign had a brain in their head, they did.

Kerry had the same problem as Gore; he's a rich elitist snob who, when he speaks to audiences, sounds like he's lecturing third graders.We have roughly 55 million third graders over the age of 18. That's dangerous.

9:06 AM  

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