Same cat time, same cat channel
Ok, so it's kinda looking like this "forced transition back to regular blogging" is a miserable failure... to the unschooled observer. Those of you who are of a more nuanced and reasoned holy oxymorons catman bent of mind will recognize that sure, while it may look like I'm not accomplishing a darned thing on the outside, I'm just busting with blogging goodness on the inside. For instance, take this week's litany of things I came within a hair's breadth of blogging about:
I almost revisited a sore subject that seems to be resurfacing. And needs to. Had I done so, I would have referenced Cao's blogburst post on it, probably pointing out that the reason John Kerry isn't under investigation for his crimes is that they're well past the sell-by date. While his post-Vietnam behavior was reprehensible, the reason the public can't afford to let go of this issue has nothing to do with prosecuting him for anything; it can be summed up with the word "character". He hasn't given up his presidential ambitions yet, and I think we deserve a Democrat candidate who is not so small and shabby a man as his conduct demonstrates him to be. In fact, we deserve a Senator of better caliber than that, but I suppose that's a matter for the good people of Massachusetts to contend or abide. In the entirely realistic event that our next president has a (D) after their name, I want a president I can respect. The Democrat party can, and should, do better.
I felt the wind on my face from a follow-up to the huile-for-fromage scandal post that I didn't write last week. The one that I didn't write this week would in all likelihood have concerned the topic covered by Damian at Pave France; Villepin DefendsPink Elephants French Diplomatic Honor. It was probably much better written by Damian anyway, and by that tortured logic this lack of productivity actually goes in the "W" column.
What I might have written about also is this disquieting bit of news from David's Medienkritik; the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies honoring the CEO of Bertelsmann AG with it's annual Global Leadership dinner. Given the alleged mission of AICGS, the holdings of BAG, and the typical conduct of those holdings, this is not altogether unlike honoring Robert Byrd for his contributions to racial harmony. As always at David's, some good discussion follows.
What I didn't really come very close to writing about at all, but might have, is Harriet Meirs. I would frankly be impressed to see someone say something about this which hasn't been said already, so I just don't see the point unless I happened to be hard up for subject matter (which I clearly am). The good news is that Bush seems poised to follow my advice and take a mulligan on this nomination. A real candidate could emerge next week, and I'm psyched. The end of the judocracy may be nigh.
And that means it's time for -- you guessed it! The frolicking felines of Friday Frickin' Cat Blogging. This week looks like trouble in paradise.
I almost revisited a sore subject that seems to be resurfacing. And needs to. Had I done so, I would have referenced Cao's blogburst post on it, probably pointing out that the reason John Kerry isn't under investigation for his crimes is that they're well past the sell-by date. While his post-Vietnam behavior was reprehensible, the reason the public can't afford to let go of this issue has nothing to do with prosecuting him for anything; it can be summed up with the word "character". He hasn't given up his presidential ambitions yet, and I think we deserve a Democrat candidate who is not so small and shabby a man as his conduct demonstrates him to be. In fact, we deserve a Senator of better caliber than that, but I suppose that's a matter for the good people of Massachusetts to contend or abide. In the entirely realistic event that our next president has a (D) after their name, I want a president I can respect. The Democrat party can, and should, do better.
I felt the wind on my face from a follow-up to the huile-for-fromage scandal post that I didn't write last week. The one that I didn't write this week would in all likelihood have concerned the topic covered by Damian at Pave France; Villepin Defends
What I might have written about also is this disquieting bit of news from David's Medienkritik; the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies honoring the CEO of Bertelsmann AG with it's annual Global Leadership dinner. Given the alleged mission of AICGS, the holdings of BAG, and the typical conduct of those holdings, this is not altogether unlike honoring Robert Byrd for his contributions to racial harmony. As always at David's, some good discussion follows.
What I didn't really come very close to writing about at all, but might have, is Harriet Meirs. I would frankly be impressed to see someone say something about this which hasn't been said already, so I just don't see the point unless I happened to be hard up for subject matter (which I clearly am). The good news is that Bush seems poised to follow my advice and take a mulligan on this nomination. A real candidate could emerge next week, and I'm psyched. The end of the judocracy may be nigh.
And that means it's time for -- you guessed it! The frolicking felines of Friday Frickin' Cat Blogging. This week looks like trouble in paradise.
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